This heartwarming holiday tale is set in small-town Oregon, where a little girl’s letter to Santa ends up bringing the gift of romance to a widowed mom and a single dad.
A much-loved early classic from #1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Jackson, this heartwarming holiday tale is set in small-town Oregon, where a little girl’s letter to Santa ends up bringing the gift of romance to a widowed mom and a single dad.
Christmas wishes do come true . . .
The small town of Cascadia is home to Veronica Walsh and her young daughter, Amy. If Ronni still believed in Santa, she’d ask for a chance to buy the rundown old lodge next door and turn it into a B&B. Amy’s Christmas wish list, on the other hand, includes one item that catches Ronni off-guard: a new daddy. But four years after losing her husband in a tragic accident, Ronni doesn’t plan to get involved with anyone—least of all the lodge’s new owner.
Travis Keegan has moved from Seattle to get his wayward teenaged son back on track. Yet the moment he meets Ronni, he wonders if this could be the fresh start they all need. Healing from loss and melding their two families won’t be easy, but Christmas in Cascadia has a magic that may just prove irresistible . . .
Weight | 200 g |
Format | Paperback reissue |
Pages | 288 |
Publisher | Zebra Books |
Release Date | 26/09/2023 |
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